Why Sweet Maple
Family Child Care?

We are driven to teach children through the creative lens. Children at Sweet Maple Child Care interact with everyday learning through our creation curriculum. We want to expose children to an environment they will experience more and more in their lifetime.

Art Specific

You child will be introduced to as many of the arts as they will possibly experience through their entire elementary school time here at Sweet Maple.


Your child will be exposed to 5 different languages including Spanish, French, Russian, Armenian, and English. The first five years is your child’s best opportunity to learn new languages. 


Music is created using a counting system. We use music to enhance numerical processing in children leading to a solid foundation in Kindergarten math.

What’s for Breakfast?

Breakfast is a great way to keep the body the refueling it needs. Kids who eat breakfast tend to eat healthier overall and are more likely to participate in physical activities-two great ways to help maintain a healthy weight.

Lunch is Served

Choosing nutritious lunch that are rich in whole-grain fiber and protein while low in added sugar may boost kids attention span, concentration, and memory which they need to learn in school.

Picture Worthy Snacks

We encourage children to eat a variety of fresh fruits rather than fruit juice. We serve variety of fresh vegetables including dark green, red and orange, beans and peas. We encourage children to eat and drink fat free or low fat dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, cheese or fortified soy beverages.

What The Parents Say

Inside Our Playroom

Our playroom is newly remodeled with a bright, open floor plan so children can be free to explore multiple learning environments on a given day

We have a dedicated zone for reading. We encourage kids to take some time to relax, read or look at creative art and picture books.

Free free to come in for a tour so we can demonstrate how Sweet Maple Child Care can transform into many environments to continue making a lasting impression on your child.

COVID~19 operational update :
We will greet your child at the entrance, perform temperature check, sanitize your child’s hands. We perform hand-washing drills and all activities are created in accordance with social distancing guidelines.

Our Daily Schedule

Morning Focus:
Each day begins with circle time to energize our children, practice critical thinking and communication skills with fresh minds. We also incorporate a morning exercise routine that includes stretching and toddler yoga.

Mid-Morning Focus:
We use different media such as paint, fabrics, playdough, and other materials to related to sensory input. Activities also include identification of colors, shapes, numbers, and visual recognition of the alphabet in multiple languages – English, Russian, French, Spanish, Armenian. Our language learning is built into our daily learning activities.

Afternoon Focus:
As an added bonus to your child’s enrollment, DAILY piano lessons are included in your daycare service at no additional charge.


07:30 AM – 08:00 AM: Arrival
08:00 AM – 09:00 AM: Exercise/Circle Time
09:00 AM – 09:30 AM: Breakfast
09:30 AM – 10:30 AM: Educational/Creative Activity
10:30 AM – 12:15 PM: Outdoor Activity


12:00 PM – 01:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM – 03:00 PM: Nap Time


03:00 PM – 03:10 PM: Potty Time
03:10 PM – 03:30 PM: Snack
03:30 PM – 04:30 PM: Outdoor
04:30 PM – 04:45 PM: Potty Time
04:45 PM – 05:15 PM: Piano Time
05:15 PM – 05:25 PM: Clean Up
05:25 PM – 05:30 PM: Pick Up

Your children’s education and wellfare are our main priorities

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